With elapsing of the years, MARSUB come accumulating vast experience in the underwater technical section. All that experience is placed the service of the solution varied types of problems, through meticulous study technician of the work conditions and you proved forms of execution of the work.
MARSUB, inside of an own concept of total quality, ally to the talent and its professionals knowledge, always looks for, besides the application of the available resources a constant technological innovation, what facilitates solutions and compatible periods with the reality of each service.
MARSUB maintains a highly qualified team of divers, counting with what there is of more modern in equipment. Tends the front engineers divers and dive supervisors with exceptional technical curriculum in the most several areas of performance, MARSUB still counts with the logistics support of its shop and head office, what attests larger speed and efficiency to the services.
MARSUB bases all its experience well on the several years of services happened, having already worked close to in most of the Brazilian states the largest companies of Brazil. This attests a high efficiency level, checked by the accomplished works, and it guarantees the total quality in services of underwater engineering.
Inspection, execution, fiscalization and maintenance of port works
Our Services
Services of Dredging
Clearing, widening, clearing, clearing, chopping or digging of material from the bottom of rivers, lagoons, seas, bays and port access channels.
Operation and Maintenance of Dam Plants
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Inspection and repairs in vessel’s and flotation structures
This inspection results in procedures for maintenance and repairs to preserve structural, mechanical, electrical and even same aesthetics of the vessel.
Search, ransom, and salvage of structures and boats
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Underwater cutting and welding
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Underwater demolition
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Underwater photography
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Underwater television and monitoring devices
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Pipe cutting and assembly
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Flange and valves assemblies
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
Use of underwater tools
All activities are performed by 100% specialized engineers and technicians.
And all and any underwater services to be executed
MARSUB is certified by the following class societies:

Contact details
Rua da Constituição n° 105/107
Paquetá – Santos – São Paulo – Brasil
CEP: 11015-471
marsub@marsub.com.br / marsubtec@uol.com.br
+55 (13) 3232.4480 / +55 (13) 3222-7888 / +55 (13) 3223.4002
+55 (13) 9713-8427 / +55 (13) 9713- 8429
+55 (13) 3222.7476